Caring for your hearing is caring for your health. Scientists have found that keeping active and engaging in social activities is beneficial to our well-being. Looking after your hearing can help you do both of those things!
Maintaining good hearing may even have a protective effect against health problems like depression and dementia, for some people. A recent report in The Lancet (Livingstone et al, 2017) identified a number of factors that could put a person at greater risk of developing dementia in later life. 35% of that risk is modifiable (in other words, the risk factors are things that could be addressed). Of the 35% modifiable risk, 9% was attributed to hearing loss – coming in above smoking, hypertension and diabetes.
The good news is that hearing loss is very easily addressed. Treating your hearing is one of the most important things you can do right now. Getting your hearing tested is completely painless, and will empower you to take control of your hearing…and your life!
Hearing and your brain
Did you know that you hear with your brain, not your ears? Sure, the ears pick up the sound, but we attach meaning to sound in our brains. When the brain doesn’t get good sound information, it has to work so much harder to fill in the gaps in conversation. Even those that seem to cope well will find that they are exhausted at the end of the day.
By treating your hearing, you’re really treating your brain! And it’s never too early to get your hearing tested. In our experience, the earlier you adopt a hearing solution, the better the long term outcome.
Hearing and social life
Many people have difficulty hearing but don’t realise it. That’s because they’ve become good at guessing the conversation and hiding the problem by staying away from social gatherings.
Staying socially active is so important – for your health and your well-being. We want you to feel comfortable going into any environment, confident that you’ll hear the conversations and enjoy yourself.
For many people this is one of the most difficult aspects of hearing loss to address. But don’t feel that you’re alone…we understand how you feel and are here to walk that journey with you.